If you want to know more about the company behind this network, scroll down to the bottom.
(Oh, quick bit of housekeeping. If you request to join, it's a two stage process. Your request should be approved within 24 hours, but to complete the progress you need to click on the link in the email that will come your way. Don't forget to check your spam / junk folder as unfortunately a few do end up there.)
Here's a brief bit about the culture we want to see here.
But right now, what is starting up on this platform are several exciting things:
+ A Christian community dedicated to worship and intercession, with the goal of doing it 24-7, in a cycle modelled on the Lord's prayer. This is for Christians of all streams, and from anywhere in the world who can commit to providing an hour of worship (musical or non-musical) and intercession each month - just a few minutes here and there will soon add up. Join something bigger than you are, and together we can work for God's glory.
Join now and search for the group 'HOPE'.
+ A community dedicated to helping Pakistan's Christians, who face extreme persecution. Learn more, pay what you can, act as you can, with others, helping feed starving bonded labourers (debt slaves) and manual workers desperately affected by the Covid crisis, sponsor children and help us build a school for the children of debt slaves to break them out of the slavery cycle, and help meet other emergency needs.
Join now and search for 'Help4CHHIP'
+ A group for Christians who are isolated for whatever reason, and are looking for online support and fellowship. We welcome Christians of all streams of Christianity. Just see here for a bit more about the culture we want to see.
Join now and search for 'Community of Isolated Christians'
If any of these interest you, join right now to find out more! Free, no obligation, no commitment, just the opportunity to explore.
We've got two other things coming up.
+ From about early to mid Fall 2021 (exact date to be confirmed) we will offer people who like the ethos of our not-for-profit, and our mission (or part of it, at least) to help the vulnerable and want to host their community or course on our network to do so. In fact, we have provided this guide to help inspire you as to the possibilities. You don't have to be a Christian to host your community or course here (nor indeed to join). We already have a group set up to help you - and us - decide whether we are good fit for each other, so...
Join now to explore the possibilities! Just look for the group 'Group Owner Prospective'
+ Christian Collaborative Community. We want this to become a major focus of activity on our site. At the minute all there is a near empty shell of a group we call the 'ACORN' version. A Community Of Relational Networking. Eventually, we will expand wider, (and likely start to charge a bit) but initially our focus will be on Christian creatives, of all sorts, who want to join a network of like minded people open to collaborate in creative projects. By creative, we don't just mean the usual, writers, musicians, artists, but also things like UX designers, coders and programmers for apps, games and websites, etc.
Ultimately we will also welcome in this group people looking for creatives to work on their projects, as well as people seeking to learn new skills, and a wider range of people - thinkers, academics, business people and the like looking to collaborate.
This kind of thing is usually best with lots of members, so if you want to get in right at the start, you're more than welcome, just don't expect too much to start with!
Join now and look for 'Christian Collaborative Community Acorn'.
Supporting us, particularly in paying roles, helps us fulfil our mission, which includes, among other things, helping support some of the most vulnerable people on the planet.
This is a Network for furthering the activities and purposes of a UK-based non-profit company called 'Melody of the Mind CIC'. CIC stands for 'Community Interest Company', a UK legal form that is kind of a hybrid of a regular company and a non-profit, meaning we may fleece people, but only in a good cause! Seriously, it means directors can take only up to a certain level of profit for themselves, the rest gets ploughed back into the business or used for the 'charitable' community objects in the constitution. We have several such objects that relate to advancing the Christian faith, particularly in creativity and intellectual realms, but also by helping vulnerable people (particularly Christians in Pakistan). This Network is set up in part to directly help fulfil those objects, it is also for much more, and you don't have to be a Christian to join and benefit from our network. Anyone is welcome to join the network, as long as you understand and accept our ethos and focus! For instance, anyone who likes our ethos of helping the vulnerable is welcome to apply to have their community or course hosted on this Network, and if we agree, we'll use the commission to help our mission, including to help some very vulnerable folks. Just sign up, have a quick look through our directory and you'll see where to go to explore the opportunities.
We plan also to set up various courses of our own at a later date too.
Join if you are interested in any of our courses, are considering selling creative products and similar through our projected e-commerce outlet, or you want to help our non-profit work helping vulnerable people around the world.